Sunday, November 16, 2014

Nice to see you again!

Wow. My last post was in December of 2011!

Life threw me some curve balls but almost 3 years later I'm out of grad school with my masters and in a job I love. Something else that I love that has continued to grow is my love of sewing. Quilting in particular has won my heart. It's my therapy and my happy place! I've become a fabric hoarder as many quilters will understand it comes with this habit!

Here are some quilts I've finished or I'm working on.

Here's one that's been in the works for about 3 years. It's a WIP for my sister. Something else always comes up, but I want to finish it before the end of the year.

Today I had a proud moment regarding my skills to teach someone how to sew. My friend Melissa and I met in grad school and once school was done she asked me if I would teach her how to use a sewing machine and how to sew. I was slightly hesitant because I wasn't sure about my skills as a teacher. We have been meeting for about 2 months about 4 times and for a few hours. We catch up, chat, run to the fabric store, eat, drink, and then we tackle a skill or project. I could tell tonight that she was gaining confidence in her own skills which made me proud and made me think that maybe just maybe I am a good teacher! How cute is this dinosaur tail??

Which makes me think of possibly organizing some sewing classes. Something I've been thinking about. I want to build my network of crafty people and also spread my love for sewing and quilting. Hopefully this works out. Starting with one or two students and going from there. I wish there were some quilting groups around this area as well, maybe this will be another thing on my list. Possibly. This to do list is getting long! Thank goodness grad school is done!

Promised myself I would update this more often.